Welcome to Aeries Online Enrollment
San Dieguito Union High School District
This is not the platform to submit a High School Selection for the 2025-2026 school year.
For more details visit the SDUHSD High School Selection Page
The Aeries Online Enrollment platform allows you to quickly start the process of enrolling a new student.
This platform is separate from the Aeries Parent or Student Portal.
If you already have a portal account, do not attempt to use your login credentials on this platform.
School Site Locator and Boundary Map
2024-2025 ENROLLMENT for the CURRENT school year is OPEN at all boundary schools for all grade level students who will be NEW to the District.
2025-2026 PRE-ENROLLMENT for MIDDLE SCHOOL OPENS Monday, January 13, 2025 for students currently in grades 6-7 and will be new to the District.
2025-2026 PRE-ENROLLMENT for HIGH SCHOOL OPENS Tuesday, February 25, 2025 for students who will be new to the District and are currently in grades 8-11. All new to SDUHSD high school students who did not participate in the 2025-2026 SDUHSD High School Selection, by the deadline February 13, 2025 at 4:00 p.m., must enroll with the boundary high school assigned to their residential address.
Use the District's School Site Locator and Boundary Map to locate the boundary school for your residential address.
Before you BEGIN, we advise the use of a computer device with an up-to-date web browser. We recommend Google Chrome which can be downloaded here.
The enrollment session will take approximately 30 minutes. If you are NOT able to complete the session during your first attempt, you may login and resume at a later time with no loss of data to sections you previously completed.
To get started registering a new student click the "Enroll A New Student" button.
For questions, or if you are experiencing issues with online enrollment, contact the boundary school.